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Simplicity typically wins with consumers and employees nowadays. What products, services, processes do you have that are more complicated than they need to be?


When innovating, or doing any work, focus is critical. Less can definitely be more: deciding what not to do can be just as important as

Ed Latimore

“Embarrassment is the cost of entry.” “If you aren’t willing to look like a foolish beginner, you’ll never become a graceful master.”

The rituals we keep

Small rituals, from morning huddles to celebrating wins, knit a team together, turning everyday routines into the glue that holds our / your company culture

Sustainability is business

Embed sustainability into your company culture. It’s not just about being good stewards of the planet but about building a business that’s resilient and adaptable

Empathy in leadership

Lead with empathy. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others doesn’t weaken leadership; it enriches it, forging deeper connections and a more cohesive team.

Celebrating failures

In a culture that celebrates failures as stepping stones, fear of making mistakes dissipates, unleashing a wave of innovation and courage to tread uncharted territories.

Transparency is a foundation

Build your company on the bedrock of transparency. When goals, challenges, and successes are shared openly – trust thrives, paving the way for a united