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The Third Man – 1949 (film)

Watching this old film the other day made me think. In Italy during the Borgias period they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance.

Winston Churchill

“If you don’t take opportunity by the hand, it will take you by the throat.”

Marc Lammers

“It’s no longer the best team that wins, but rather the team that adapts best to new circumstances.”


“Learn as if you were to live forever”


A threat is usually an opportunity you are yet to respond to. The world is indeed in permacrisis – but that probably also means permanent

Risk Tolerance

Sometimes being too conservative actually introduces a higher level of systemic risk into a system. If you think about medicine, if society didn’t trial and


It’s often about positioning: – A restaurant powered by technology vs. – Technology for restaurants

Family vs Work

A family typically works on unconditional love. Irrespective of what you do or don’t do the love it’s there. A company on the other hand

Failure is off limits

When your boss or leader says failure isn’t an option what happens? Failure can never stop or be removed completely (you can take less risks